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The 3 rd heat treatment technology and Thermo Process equipment Technology Seminar in Korea 2020
Present and future of the new heat treatment technology equipment industry
May 20~22, 2020(3Days) Incheon Songdo Convensia
Metal Network Korea (Monthly casting, forging and heat treatment) in Aug 26 ~ 28, 2020 (3Days) Incheon Songdo Convensia held at 'The 11th Metal + Metallurgy & Thermo Process Exhibition 2020' by heat treatment and industry during the period, to identify new trends of related facilities "The 3 rd heat treatment technology and Thermo Process equipment Technology Seminar "is to be held.
This seminar will be held to provide a variety of technical exchanges to advanced heat treatment technology and Thermo Process equipment Technology development and related workers.
In this seminar, new products, new technologies and the desired data company announced introduction -
Download the Seminar written application materials published by FAX: + 82-2-3281-0280 or E-mail: metalnews@hanmail.net send us and we will announce the time allocated.
1. Seminar Title: Seminar on "New Heat Treatment, present and future of technology and related equipment industry."
2. Seminar Schedule: Aug 26 ~ 28, 2020(3Days)
3. Seminar Location: Incheon Songdo Convensia first exhibition
4. New technologies announced Cost: free of charge
5. The plaintiff Deadline: Jun 30, 2020 (Seminar plaintiff first-come, first-served basis Deadline)
6. The new product, new technology released nine minutes Section
¢Ñ Section 01: Data presentation on domestic and international trends and future prospects of heat treatment technology
¢Ñ Section 02: Data presented on applications of technology trends and industry in a vacuum carburizing heat treatment
¢Ñ Section 03: Data presented on applications of technology trends and related industries in a vacuum brazing
¢Ñ Section 04: Data presented for heat treatment furnace and related equipment industry trends and forecasts and Applications
¢Ñ Section 05: Data presented for the prospects of industry trends and application of high-frequency induction heating equipment
¢Ñ Section 06: heating element (heater), and data presentation on the Application of industry trends and application of the burner